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Self Service
Prices from £11.50
Wash your own dog in one of our 4 purpose built baths.
We provide the shampoo, towels, dryers, aprons for you and then we clean up the mess afterwards!
Wash + Go
Prices from £18.50
One of our trained team members will do the washing and quick dry of your dog for you, while you wait!
Call 01582 842301
to book
Service wash
Prices from £23.00
One of our trained team members will do the washing and full dry of your dog for you!
Call 01582 842301
to book
Full grooming
Prices Vary
We offer full grooming services by our OCN and City&Guilds trained team members.
Prices are dependent upon a number of factors, such as breed, size of dog, condition of coat etc.
Call 01582 842301
to get more details
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